Influenza Vaccinations – Patient information and eligibility

We are currently contacting eligible patients to invite them in for the flu vaccination. The flu vaccination programme will be slightly different this year and we are following guidance provided by the Public Health England with regards to patient eligibility and prioritisation.

For more information: Flu Vaccination – Who needs it and why?

To assist with safety and social distancing the practice will be operating a one way system. Entry will be via the door straight ahead of you as you enter the car park and exit will be via the main entrance. This will be a strict one way system and we ask please for your cooperation in this regards.

Please may we ask you to be aware of the following points:

  • All patients must come to the practice wearing an appropriate face covering and use the hand gel provided on arrival and on departure
  • Appointment days/times are subject to change if our delivery of vaccinations should be delayed
  • Please attend at your allotted time slot
  • We ask that patients come alone, if possible
  • Please wear appropriate clothing and have your arm ready to vaccinate
  • Vaccinations will be given in a standing position

We thank you in advance for your cooperation.