Making an access request
Ask reception for an access form entitled application to access medical records.
The practice has 30 days to respond to your request and you will be advised once it has been completed. There is no facility for immediate access.
Please send the application to:
Reception team
The Beaches Medical Centre
Sussex Road
Great Yarmouth
NR31 6QB
Access – data subject
The Data Protection Act 2018 (Section 7) specifies the rights of access of the data subject.
Requests for access can be made verbally or in writing and the practice has a form available that can be used.
A response will be provided as soon as possible and in any event within 30 days. Where an application is declined, a reason will be given. In some circumstances, some parts of your record may be withheld.
Provision of information to third parties
The practice may share your personal information with other NHS organisations where this is appropriate for your healthcare.
In other circumstances we may approach you for specific consent to release personal information to third parties. Information will not normally be released to other family members without written patient consent.
In some circumstances there are statutory or ethical obligations to disclose
information to others (such as public health issues) which may not require your consent, however you may be consulted about these in advance.
All staff have access to your medical and personal details which is required in relation to their roles, and have completed confidentiality agreements.
These must be in writing and addressed to the quality improvement manager.
Where the complaint is by a third party, and the complaint or enquiry related to someone else, the written consent of the data subject is required. Where this is not possible full justification must be given.
All complaints will be acknowledged within 3 days, and a response provided within 28 days.
Terms used
Data controller
This is the controller of the data and the system, as defined in the Data Protection Act 2018. In this case the controller is Dr M Moghaddas.
Data subject
This is the person whose image is within the system, and who has rights of access as determined under the Data Protection Act 2018.
Third party
A person or body other than the data subject who requests access, or to whom an image may be provided.
Deceased records
Covered by the Access to Medical Records Act 1990 for:
- The personal representative of the person who has died.
- Any person who may have a claim resulting from the person’s